Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jewelry Making goes to Facebook

I was surfing around on beading sites instead of studying for my exams and I saw this link.  

So basically you can post jewelry projects on your wall. Besides showing off your projects in a magazine (old media) or via e-newsletters (new media), you can also do it on social networking sites to let your friends see and admire. I've subscribed the the newsletter to check it out. So have to wait till next month to try it out for myself.

It is an update from the regular forums that only fellow fans and hobbyists can view and comment on your works. This is so interesting. During the holidays, I think I might submit some work.

Meanwhile, you guys can take a look at the many awesome stuff others have made. 

Carol McKinney
Carol McKinney, BeadStyle Magazine 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tools of the Trade


Reading written instructions might be difficult when it comes to techniques. It is easier to watch and learn.
There is this awesome video on making a bracelet. While I don't have time to make it, if you guys are free, you can give it a shot.

I have found a video on the tools that we need for jewelry making. So you guys can take a look. It is really useful and helpful for newbies.